From Rev Lee Shaw
General Convention is many things rolled into one big, hectic nearly two week period. In many respects it is like "My Big Fat Episcopal Family Reunion" in that you get to reconnect with so many people around the church and meet so many new friends. It really is incredible and there are a number of folks who use to be in the Diocese of Utah who are here in other capacities and it is great to see them again. Today I had some great chats with Bradley Wirth (former rector of All Saints) who is a deputy from Montana and I had a drink with Jeff Sells (formerly of the Cathedral and Dialogue editor), an alternate from the Diocese of Olympia. I also had a quick hug from Karyl Otten (formerly of Good Shepherd) as she joined the ECW in a "singing prayer walk" around the convention center.
This is my fourth convention and third as a priest and this year it is also a year of firsts for me. I am sponsoring legislation for the first time. Months ago there was the request online for help in sponsoring legislation that would have the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music develop a liturgy for people who have lost a companion animal, pet or service animal. I feel this will provide a very real and needed pastoral resource for clergy and others in helping people deal with the loss of a beloved companion animal. I helped edit the resolution and am now its sponsor. It will now go to committee for consideration before being (hopefully) sent to the House of Deputies and then the House of Bishops for action.
This year I am also on the Standing Commission on Domestic Mission and Evangelism. Our work today was on legislation that would strengthen the ministry of church planting in the church (starting new congregations) as well as a resolution that would direct the national church to develop practical resources and training for congregational and personal evangelism. One of the joys for me with this committee is being to work with a seminary classmate of mine, Lee Anne Watkins, who is in the Diocese of Minnesota. It is so good to work with her again.
Tuesday is the first official day of convention with the daily Holy Eucharist and legislative sessions for both houses.
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