2006 Episcopal Convention

A joint effort by the Utah Deputation to capture the action, feelings, and photos of this historic General Convention.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Well, after a beautiful ordination and confirmation service yesterday at the Cathedral, most of the delegation has arrived here in Columbus. It's overcast and cool, but the reception has been warm. My shuttle driver was confused about why he had been so busy on what should normally be a calm Sunday. He will surely know about the Episcopal Church by the time we are done. Small world - three of us on that shuttle are from Province VIII.

First, let me introduce our deputation. These folks will be posting entries over the next ten days, sharing insights, explaining what Convention is doing. I will look forward to your comments - which I will share as appropriate with the delegation. Apparently we must be very careful not to be unduly influenced by the outside world. I will do what I can to clarify any questions you may have - this is my first Convention and I may be more confused than you!

Our Clergy Deputies:

The Rev Lee Shaw, from St. Stephen's Church
The Rev Canon David Bailey, Executive Officer
The Rev Adam Linton, from The Church of the Good Shepherd
The Rev Susan Wiltsey, from Grace Church

Our Lay Delegates:

Stephen Hutchinson, Chancellor
Russell Babcock, from St. Paul's Church, SLC
Karen Cramer, from St. James' Church
Col Jay Stretch, from The Church of the Good Shepherd

In addition, two alternates are here - The Rev Pablo Ramos, from La Iglesia de San Estaban, and me, from All Saints Church - and others from the Diocese, which I will introduce as I meet them.

So, this evening, the first official activity that most of us participated in was a meeting of Province VIII deputations. Our own Dave Bailey acted as emcee, inviting those in our Province that are standing for office (we don't run in the Church, we stand) to introduce themselves, and asking for introduction of certain resolutions coming from the parishes and Dioceses in our Province. We were also graced with the presence of The Very Rev George Werner, who is retiring as the President of the House of Deputies after this Convention, and The Rev. Katherine Jefferts Schori, Bishop of Nevada and nominee for Presiding Bishop.

And, Rev Dan Webster - remember him, he used to be one of us - came by to say hi. Dan reports that he and Gwyneth are settling in in New York, and that he misses us perhaps a bit.

Tomorrow - registration, orientation, and an address from the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies.

See you tomorrow!


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