2006 Episcopal Convention

A joint effort by the Utah Deputation to capture the action, feelings, and photos of this historic General Convention.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Saturday's Festival Eucharist and UTO Ingathering

So, now I know what it is like to be in a room with almost 10,000 Episcopalians - or about two times the total number of Episcopalians in Utah!

The service began with the procession of bishops - over 300 of them. Bishop Griswold presided, and had us laughing with his small instructions to the folks with him, forgetting that he had his microphone on.

Two highlights for me: I had signed up to the a Eucharistic Minister, and the station to which I was assigned included much of the Bishop group. What a thrill to be up close and personal with so many of them.

Even more importantly, the sermon by Dr. Jenny Te Paa, and priest from New Zealand, a native Maori, and on the Anglican Consultative Council (I think - anyway she is someone high). I can't begin to recall her wonderful message, but I hope it is posted on the ECUSA website for all to read. I want to visit New Zealand and get immersed in that Maori culture.

The music was provided by the combined choirs of St Alban's, St John's, St Mark's, St Philip's, St Stephen's, and Trinity Church. The first reading (Eccclesiasticus 51) was in Chinese. The UTO ingathering was impressive.

The only thing I missed was my table - we sat in rows for this service so that all could attend.


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