2006 Episcopal Convention

A joint effort by the Utah Deputation to capture the action, feelings, and photos of this historic General Convention.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Friday on the Floor

Hello all:

I hit a wall over the last couple of days and haven't had much energy to post. Sorry!

Just to catch up a bit, I switched with Deputy Karen Cramer to sit as a Deputy on the floor on Friday afternoon. It gave me a chance to see what the table chatter is during debate, to get a close up of the flags behind the front tables, and an upclose of the Little Doohickey.

I rather like my place in the alternate deputation gallery, although it was nice to see the deputies from our Diocese!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can imagine it must be quite overwhelming at times to be there, yet how exciting and energizing. Thank you for all you have done to keep us posted for this convention. All of us who have been privileged to view this site are most grateful.
Mary Janda

4:49 PM  

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