2006 Episcopal Convention

A joint effort by the Utah Deputation to capture the action, feelings, and photos of this historic General Convention.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The deputation meets

Rather a glum group after a long day in session.

Russ Babcock shares the results of his committee's work counting the paper ballots.

Rev Fred Quinn contemplates the consequences of the resolutions regarding the Windsor Report.

Rt Rev Otis Charles, former Bishop of Utah, joins the deputation for discussions.

Karen Cramer and Rev Sue Wiltsey considering the options.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two questions:
Why do the delegates have to certified every morning?

Why can't I get anythng at www.gc2006.com?

2:52 PM  
Blogger Toni Marie said...

The delegates only have to certify once, unless they want to switch with an alternate. Then both have to go to the certification area to certify the alternate to act as deputy. Then they do the reverse to change places again.

I don't know about the website - let me see what I can find out.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Toni Marie said...

Okay - I'm not sure what you're trying to reach, but you can get to just about anything about convention if you go to the main website - www.episcopalchurch.org. Hope that helps!

7:49 PM  

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